CASH CREDIT AGAINST HYPOTHECIATION OF GOODS & GOLD Sr. No Document List Vehicle Loan Salary Loan Term Loan Housing Loan Gold Loan Loan Against FDR Personal Loan 1. Loan Application form Completely Filled 2. PAN Card & Aadhar Card(ID & Address Proof) 2 Photo 3. Shop Act License 4. GST Number 5. Income Tax Returns of Borrower and Guarantor ( Balance sheet ) 3 Year 6. Stock Statement as on date of Application 7. Bank Statement 8. NO DUES From other Bank if having loan in Balance sheet 9. NOC for operation of business in case of village 10. Collateral Security – Title deed of Property 11. Valuation Report of Approved Valuer of Bank 12. Search Report of Property from ADVOCATE 13. CIBIL Report 14. Personal Accidental Insurance Policy 15. LOAN AGREEMENT Duly Executed on Proper Stamp Duty 16. Stock, building and Fire ,Stolen Insurance 17. Physical Verification report of Branch Manager 18. FOOD AND DRUG LICENSE 19. VALUATION REPORT OF GOVERNMENT (Registrar/Tashildar) 20. PHERPHAR with proceeding Xerox for flow from Legal heir 21. REGISTRATION OF MORTGAGE AND CHARGE 22. PDC Cheque’s as Security- if taken 23. Map of the Property 24. CA APPRAISAL IN CASE LOAN AMT is Rs.10,00,000 or More 25. PROMISARY NOTE (SHAPAT PATRA)