
Salary Loan

Salary loan is offered against employer’s guarantee just to support your financial needs whether it may be renovating house, celebration or a medical need.

Term Loan

You can easily apply for Term Loan against Retail Traders and Others with Mahesh Bank with most attractive interest rates.

Loan Against FDR

Get loan against your Fix Deposit with instant approvals and hassle free procedures at an attractive rate.

Vehicle Loan

Mahesh Bank provides loans for you to puchase two-wheeler or four-wheeler vehicles at an attractive interest rate.

Housing Loan

Want to buy a new home? Don’t worry Mahesh Bank has got your back. Apply for housing loan and buy your dream home.

Personal Loan

Cater your financial needs, whether it may be marriage, a trip, a party or an unexpected need of money with Mahesh personal loan.

Cash Credit Loan

With Mahesh Bank, you can easily apply for Cash Credit Loan against hypothecation of good and gold.

Gold Loan

Why to apply for other loan when yo have gold at hand. Use your Gold to apply for a loan and get fast loan approval.